Why start a blog?

9:04 PM

The answer to this should be obvious.  I love attention and I need to feel adored.  

Oh, I’m being silly.  I am already plenty adored.

Just look at this face.  Of course I’m adored.

Really, there are quite a few reasons I wanted to start a blog, but it comes down to two forces in my character:

1.  I love writing and I don’t do enough of it to feel satisfied.  I have written a few “journal”-y things privately, and while I find that to be a nice sometimes-hobby, I have a itch to do more.  It’s like having ants in your pants, but really they’re in your brain.  And the ants are shaped like words.  And the anthill is filling up with water.  The word-ants need an escape route, and that route is called EmiliaMcG.blogspot.com.  You’re welcome, ants.

2.  I want to help.  I really like helping--probably another reason why I became a teacher.  I want to know I’ve done something good.  Is the world better because of my actions-- even a tiny bit better?  That’s the goal.  I’ve had so many conversations with friends who’ve felt overwhelmed by marriage, parenthood, careers, or just life.  Well, let me be the example of being a barely pulled-together mess and being okay with that (usually).  If I can do it imperfectly, so can you!  And you know, if I do something right, I’ll share that too.  There’s nothing wrong with recognizing even the small victories, and maybe any good ideas I discover can help you, too.
One small victory: Atticus stood still enough for a photo.  Also, that outfit!

I want to be a source-- of entertainment, of advice, of support.  I like to talk, share, and learn.  Why not be a cool kid and write a blog?

So, come with me on a journey... just kidding, that sounds lame.  Just read my blog.  It’ll be worth it. Promise.

Leave me your thoughts in the comments!

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  1. 1. I can so relate to your #1
    2. I lol'd several times reading this. I'm glad you've decided to do this! Looking forward to seeing more!

  2. Thanks Haley! I think the #1 is kind of a teacher thing :-)
