Why dressing boys is secretly awesome

10:27 PM

When I go shopping for Atticus, I have a tiny twinge of disappointment. The selection for little girls always seems so much bigger.  There is usually only one clearance rack for baby and toddler boy clothes for every two racks for girls.  Atticus’s cousin Kinley is three months younger than him and wears scarves, cardigans and skirts.  Frankly, I wouldn’t mind raiding her closet. 

Hey, can I borrow that infinity scarf?

Sometimes I'm disappointed by the injustice of it all. But when I really think about it, there are actually tons of reasons why dressing boys is truly awesome.  Allow me illustrate some of those reasons with my favorite model:

Casual wear.    Sure, little girls get the skirts and tights and sweaters and dresses and headbands, but I wonder how comfortable those clothes are to play in.  I know that I’d rather run around in sweats and a comfy tee instead of tights, no matter how cute they are.  Also, little boys clothes all seem to kind of go together.  You don’t have to worry so much about finding all of the pieces to an outfit because almost all of the clothes are from the same color palate, which makes hectic mornings pretty nice.

Looking cool and comfy kiddo. 

Overalls. To me, these are the epitome of little boyness.  They have a can-do, aww-shucks, barefoot-in-the-mud cuteness.  Sure, little girls are cute in them too, but they just don't have that same messy, wild, durable imagery for me.  I imagine a little boy in overalls is going to try and conquer the world-- or at least the neighborhood.

Ready for anything!

Hoodies.  You haven’t seen cute till you’ve seen a little man in a hoodie.  Add a corduroy coat and it's a cuteness overload.  Babies can wear their hoods up and manage to not look like they're trying to hard to be cool.

Happy, warm, and styling.  What more could you want?

Sweater vests.  I love a man in a sweater vest.  Dressed-up nerdy.   He looks like a little professor and I look like I belong to a genius baby.

Side note:  Check out those baby Jordans.  He knows how to mix it up.

Suits, ties and hats.  The ultimate outfit.  All men look good in suit and tie, and my little man is no exception.  I with every day was suit and tie day, but it would look a little ridiculous to take him grocery shopping like this...right?

Justin Timberlake ain’t got nothing on Atticus!

What do you think-- do boys styles compete with what little girls have to choose from?  Looking through these pictures I say yes, but I know the next time I go shopping for baby A I'll be annoyed at the lack of selection.  Anyone disagree?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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  1. I totally agree. Madelyn's closet is full of ADORABLE clothes. She has better clothes than I do, and sometimes I find it hard to coordinate her clothes to make a super awesome outfit. Everett is a simple little man.. baby jeans and a cute PLAID button up works wonders for him!

  2. Yes PLAID! Everett is stylin'! :-)
