Are plaids ever OK?

4:50 AM

First of all, an emphatic yes!  Plaids are wonderful.  They’re great alone on a confident gal running errands or layered under a solid-color, comfy cardigan or over a tank--or both!  My husband wears them frequently, and that’s probably 33% of the reason why I married him.  

He is usually pretty nice to look at.  Usually. 

So, yes, plaids are ever okay.  Especially a great blazer with a subtle print by Ralph Lauren... on clearance.  Be still my heart.

What's a nice blazer like you doing in a place like this?

But wait, there’s more!  It was so comfy, fit perfectly off the rack, was a size smaller than what I usually would go for, and I immediately thought of at least three ways to wear it.  Really, only thing missing was a golden halo of light engulfing me as the clouds parted and a choir of well-dressed angels sang a single, sweet note.  

The dressing room lighting was atrocious, if you can't tell.

Work chic with a simple gray dress (Calvin Klein).  Adorable with a cami and jeans.  What's not to love?

But I didn’t need it, and even marked down, the jacket was still the same cost as a tank of gas.  Sadly, this is how I gage the worth of merchandise nowadays-- “Yes, it’s lovely, but how much fuel could I buy if I walk away?"  I desperately needed emotional support from someone who could appreciate the agony of turning my back and pocketbook away from a great but ultimately unnecessary purchase.  So I texted my little sister Anna.  And she broke my heart. 

Don't let that sweet face fool you. She's a ruthless fashion monster.  Also, she gave me that hat for Christmas one year...then stole it from me. 

“Ew, no.  Plaids are always a no.”

What? I asked.  Impossible!  Plaids are so cute!


And that was it.  No more discussion from her.  And I sat on my bed and cried.

Just kidding.  I have a one-year old.  No time to sit or cry.

But really guys, you be the judge.  Because I couldn’t get the jacket out of my head after a couple of days, so I went back and searched desperately until I found it and ran to the checkout like a maniac...then backed away slowly and re-hung the jacket on the rack again. And now I’m siting on the couch, biting my nails and wondering if I should just go freaking buy it already.  Look and tell me how adorable I am... but only if you mean it.

Seriously though, what do you think-- is plaid ever okay?  Should I just buy the jacket already or let it go?  Is $50 too much for a blazer I don't need?  Let me know in the comments, because I've woken up in a cold sweat thinking about this stupid beautiful jacket!

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