Ten reasons why life doesn't suck

9:58 PM

Sometimes, you've just gotta make a list of the things you love about life to keep you from wanting to throw your computer across the living room.  So here's my top 10, right now, top of my head list of things I love and appreciate.  

1.  Atticus, obviously.  Specifically this picture of him:

Just hangin out under a slide. 

2.  My mom made me an egg and cheese sandwich after work today and even offered to feed it to me when Atticus fell asleep on me.  Thanks Ma.

3.  Sean is wearing a vest and tie today.  Ow-oww!

4.  S'mores.

5.  We have a new batch of graduates getting ready for the ceremony next week, and even though they drive me insane sometimes, I'm really proud of these kids.  

6.  Boy 2.0 is wiggling more and more every day.  I love that part.  Now I won't randomly worry as much about him.  Seriously-- anyone worry a whole lot less after those first flutters?  Just me?

7.  Also this picture of Atticus:
That's watermelon, not blood, dripping from his mouth. This time, anyway.

8. I'll be working on some PR videos for work.  Pretty excited to flex that creative muscle. 

9.  The Office and Parks and Recreation on Netflix.

10. Compliments on my new maternity clothes today at work.  Again, ow-oww!

What's on your list?  Don't over-think it-- right now, in this very moment, what makes your life better?  Can you think of 10 things?

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