Thank Me Later: Get more sleep

9:17 PM

Let me be the first to say I don't always rarely follow this advice.  I work from home which, unfortunately, does not mean I get paid to be a mom all day.  I wish.  

Typically,  Atticus wakes up around 7:30 a.m. I play all morning with Atticus, put him down for a nap while I get about an hour of work done, play again when he wakes up, put him to sleep at night, and then work.  My work day starts at about 8 or 8:30 at night and ends around 2 a.m.  A couple days a week he goes to my mom’s house so I can work uninterrupted during daylight hours or go to my school’s campus to teach face-to-face, but even on those days I’m still usually up way past midnight.

I’m not really complaining, because I feel like I have the best of both worlds. I have my baby man with me most of the time but can rely on my mom if I need to be alone to get things done.  I didn’t have to give up my career to become a mother, and I don’t have to give up (much) time with my son to put my college education to use.  Win win.

But those long nights can really take a toll, and I have a feeling many people reading know what I’m saying.  So sometime this weekend, I'm going to take the time to sleep more, and you should too. Either go to bed early or sleep in late.  Plan it so that you’re in bed a total of nine hours, just in case it takes a half an hour to actually fall asleep.  Sleep and dream and don’t feel guilty about it.  Whatever you think needs to be done can wait half a day.  It's probably the easiest, cheapest way to paper yourself.

Two caveats: babies and deadlines.  If your child isn't sleeping through the night yet, you can't do this.  I'm so sorry.  Your day will come, but it's not today.  Or tomorrow.  Probably not next month either.  And if you have an important deadline for work or school this weekend, you better get it in gear and take care of business.  I won't be responsible for your failures.

No rest for the parents nor the procrastinators.  

But for the majority, you'll thank me later after you've slept for 8 or more hours like a normal human being.  You deserve it, and I deserve it, too.  I’m committing to this Friday night.  I'm drooling just thinking about it.

Atticus knows what I’m talking about.  

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