Swim little fishy, swim if you can!
8:43 PMBefore I get into the meat of this post, please, please, please someone tell me you know the song from which I stole borrowed the title of this post! If you need more help figuring it out, check out this recording from the Andrews Sisters, then let me know I'm not the only person in the world who sang this song as a little kid:
Anywho, speaking of a little fishy, my baby went into a big pool for the first time over the weekend. We went to Sean's cousin's house for a fun family day. It was great to hang out with all of the cousins! Besides puking about three minutes after he got in because he sucked up some water (which seems to be a theme for him no matter what size of the pool), he had a blast!
I'm the first to admit that water makes me nervous. I'm not a strong swimmer. I'm allergic to chlorine (how lame is that?) so I could never really learn in a pool, and my family didn't go out to lakes or anything when I was little. And now, I'm old and a little afraid of water. I think I could doggie paddle my way to the edge of a pool if I fell in, but add my little guy to the mix and I was pretty dang nervous. Thank goodness for Sean taking Atticus in. Hubby to the rescue!
Look at these mischief makers spraying me!
I was really happy to find that life jacket for him at a grocery store for about $20. So many flotation devices are rated for thirty pounds and up, but this was for twenty to thirty pounds. Score! It made me feel much better to have him in something, especially because he wanted to jump into the pool or go down the huge water slide. This kid, I'm telling you, he does everything he can to stop my heart.
He liked it so much he didn't want to take it off, even after pool time was over.
But eventually it came off for his first true love: the swing.
What a great weekend! Atticus definitely needs to take swim lessons, sooner rather than later. He loves the water but I want him to learn to be safe and competent in the water, unlike his poor mama. One more thing to add to the list this summer!