Thank Me Later: Be sweet
7:17 PM
Friday is a big day. February 14th. My half birthday! Why it’s not a national holiday yet is beyond me, but don’t worry, I’m working on it. You can leave me half birthday wishes in the comments.
I’ll assume my card is in the mail.
On a less important note, it’s also Valentine’s day. Sean and I are planning to buy a huge box of Godiva chocolates and watch season two of House of Cards on Netflix. I know, the romance is practically dripping from this post.
Are we the world’s most glamourous and romantic couple? Probably.
Whether or not you have plans with a significant other, family, or friends, allow me to suggest one more way to celebrate: do something kind. It could be a big gesture or one small act. Some ideas:
- Write a letter or email to someone who made a difference in your life.
- Call your grandma just to chat.
- Give a compliment to a stranger.
- Send a nice or funny text to your sibling.
- Help an older person at the grocery store.
- Smile at a stranger.
- Prepay a few gallons of gas on a random pump at the station.
- Leave a generous tip for your waiter.
- Shovel your neighbor’s sidewalk or driveway.
- Read an extra bedtime story to your kids.
- Do a chore for your significant other that they don’t like to do.
- Buy someone diamonds... What? This is always a kind act.
There are tons of other nice things you can do, and unless you sold your soul to the devil, you can probably think of a few other things on your own. Let me know some of your ideas in the comments!
On this day which focuses on romantic love, widen the lens a little and spread some good old-fashioned kindness around. Not only will you brighten someone’s day, but you’ll start to focus on all the little good things that happen in your life day to day. It’s a good way to live. You can thank me later for inspiring you to make Valentine's Day just a little more important than cards and flowers.
Let me end by saying I really appreciate everyone who reads the blog. It’s a silly little project that helps me feel like I have somewhat of a life, but I brightens my day to hear feedback and comments from you guys. Thanks for following!
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! XOXO