Week in review

8:49 PM

I know, I know, I've been MIA for a whole week.  Bad girl.

Here's my week in review and why I've been largely absent from your lives the past seven days.  Some of it seems trivial or mundane now, but I swear to you, last week felt like the busiest week!

Forgive me?

Sunday night:  Atticus tries to blind me.  For real.  We were cuddling before bed in the recliner chair in his room.  I was on my back and he was on his back leaning against me.  He reached up to pat my cheek...and reached to high.  Scratched the crap out of my eye.  Not pleasant.

After he finally fell asleep, I had some work to do for a professional development class I'm taking.  Not easy to work on a computer when your eyes are constantly leaking.  What took should have taken about 45 minutes took three hours with breaks.  

I couldn't fall asleep because my eye was really in pain.  In retrospect I think closing my eye was actually pushing the scratch on my cornea open.  Gross.

Monday morning: My eye never stopped watering the whole night.  I woke up with a wet pillow and a bloodshot eye.  Sean called the doctor and scheduled an appointment for me in the afternoon.  He also told me about a local weatherman who lost his eye over the weekend due to a fireworks accident.  Not exactly the news I wanted to hear at that moment.

I had to cancel plans to see my friend, her toddler, and her new baby.  I was extremely unhappy about this because I haven't seen her in about two years and I miss her terribly, but I couldn't drive.  

Atticus was super nice to me the whole day-- he brought me his stuffed animals to cuddle with and patted or rubbed my back, shoulders, or face the whole day.  I don't know if he's just naturally empathetic or if he knew it was his fault.  Either way, it was sweet.

Just cuz you're cute doesn't mean you can go around gouging eyes, okay?

Since I'm pregnant, the optometrist couldn't give me any medication to dull the pain or to keep infection out of my torn cornea, so I had to wear a clear contact.  I don't wear contacts (or glasses) and to be honest I don't like things going near my eyes.  Like water.  Or that air test the eye doctor gives you to test for glaucoma.  Luckily the assistant who put the contact in was quick and wonderful.  She was also two weeks more pregnant that I am and looked way, way smaller.  Sean didn't even notice her bump until she said something about it. I guess we can't all look like we have basketballs hidden under our clothes at 6.5 months, right? 

Monday night, we went to a wedding.  I'm not totally sure why the bride and groom chose Monday--maybe because it was 7/7/14?--but to be honest I don't care.  That stuff doesn't bother me too much.  Do what you want people.  Also, the company was great, dessert was delicious, and we took home dessert goodie bags.  Win win win.

Tuesday:  My eye felt much better but the contact was kind of dry and itchy.  And guess what?  Some types of eye drops are not recommended for use with a contact, or while pregnant.  Fabulous.  I lounged around the house with Atticus most of the day and avoided the TV, computer, and any electronic devices.  Kind of wonderful.

I went to the doctor again after having the contact in for 24 hours.  It was healing marvelously so the contact came out and I got some pregnancy-approved drops to combat dryness on Wednesday.  

Wednesday:  Work in the actual computer lab, not from home.  After 2.5 days of impaired vision, I was behind on some things.  Also, it was the last day for one of my co-workers whom I very much like.  Now I'm the only cool person left at my job (just kidding everyone!).  Got caught up, put in a ton of eye drops, got my baby from my mom's house, put him to bed, and worked on my professional development some more.  I had to force myself to stay up late enough to take my insulin.

Thursday:  Sean and I celebrated our 4th anniversary by going out lunch then to see The Book of Mormon at the Detroit Opera House.  If you're a fan of South Park or (one of my favorites) Team America, or if you're a fan of offensive musicals, go see it.  If your sense of humor is more on the conservative, non-offensive side, maybe skip this one and see Les Miserables instead.  We stopped for coffee, picked up our little man, and went home.

So bad, yet so good.  Source

Now at this point, I should have noticed that Atticus wasn't feeling well.  He'd fallen asleep in the car on the way home from my mom's both days even though I'd picked him up fairly early, and he wasn't sleeping through the night like he usually does, two certain signs that something's off with my little monster.  But alas, I didn't notice he was sick until he was actually sick.  Bad mommy moment.

Friday:  It was our turn to host a weekly dinner with some of Sean's extended family.  We decided to do it this week because not everyone would be there so less work for us (yeah, we are those kind of people).  I seriously needed to grocery shop, so I took Atticus to my moms, went to three different stores (two for food, one for cat food and dog treats), came home, prepared food for Sean to make on the grill, and cleaned a little bit before getting Atticus again.  Dinner was a success thanks to Sean's grilling skills and my idea that you can never have too much food.  Burgers, pretzel buns, sweet buns, heirloom tomatoes, avocado, grilled veggie mix, salad, fancy cheese, fresh fruit salad, ice cream, coffee.  Delish.  Atticus enjoyed none of it because he went to sleep at about six and didn't wake up until the middle of the night, where he came to bed with us with a fever and tossed and turned the whole night. 

Saturday:  Holy back pain, Batman.  Apparently I'm not built for grocery shopping and cleaning all in one day.  I was limping everywhere.  I felt like a cripple.  Also, my son had a fever and was miserable. Perfect.  He only wanted to drink milk and eat a few bites of fruit when he was awake.  He slept on and off the whole day, then at about five or six in the evening he was better and ready to play.  Ugh.  He went to bed around ten thirty and of course had a horrible night of sleeping...in our bed. Suffice it to say, not an easy night for anyone.  
Apparently, milk cures fevers.

Sunday:  Poor baby didn't want to wake up but we got him ready for church anyway.  It was hot, my back still hurt a little, and Atticus didn't want to sit still.  We were physically at church but attended about two minutes of the service, then had a potluck afterwards to celebrate our pastor's 25th anniversary with us.  Atticus just wanted to play and he was kind of grouchy.  Sean took care of him because I wasn't feeling great. 

So not ready to wake up.  I feel ya, buddy.

Sean is a good man most of the time.

We finally got him corralled in one room and had some time to sit and eat, came home, took a 3 hour nap, played and ate leftovers (which is my favorite meal) and then went to bed late because Atticus is still on a weird schedule.  I did professional development again.  

This was my week.  Maybe I'm forgetting somethings, who knows.  All I know is that I felt like I didn't have one spare moment the whole week and I was tired the whole time.  Forgive me for being a slacker blogger.  I'll try to be better this week.

What was your week like while I was gone?

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