Take a wild guess
8:22 PMWe find out Thursday afternoon if Baby 2.0 is a boy or girl... Any guesses?
My doctor, so clever with the captions.
Most of the people close to me think it's a girl. My mom saw that ultrasound picture above and said, "Oh, it looks like a little girl!" Sean talks to the baby all the time and calls her "little girl" or "daughter."
Atticus, however, thinks it's a boy. On the two occasions when he actually answered me when I asked "Is this a baby brother or baby sister in my belly?" He has said "Brudder." Or what sounds like "Brudder." Otherwise, he usually just comes over and pats or hugs my belly when I ask him. Or he just ignores the question completely. I guess he's not a totally reliable source.
I have no indication either way. I've looked at a ton of old wive's tales and I'm split down the middle. The Mayan calendar says it's a girl; the Chinese calendar says boy. At the beginning of the pregnancy I wanted either olives, pickles, and salsa, or Granny Smith apples, watermelon, and really ripe pears. My nausea is intense but not worse than with Atticus. The heartbeat has been around 150-155-- is that fast or slow? My bump is huge but not high or low...and it was huge with Atticus too. So I have no clue.
And really, truly, I don't care as long as the baby is happy and healthy. If it's a boy, we have all of Atticus's old stuff and their birth months are only one month apart so everything will be the right size for the right season. I won't have to buy a single thing.
And if it's a girl... I'll have to buy tons of girl clothes.
I'll let you all know Friday what the verdict is! Let me know your guess in the comments! Winner gets to name the baby...or not.