
One poor correspondent

7:26 PM

Remember that time I was all like, "Oh, hey, I'm taking a few days off" and then fell off the face of the earth for two and a half months?!  Wow, what an irresponsible blogger I am.  I don't write, I don't call...

But to steal some lyrics from the band America, I know I've been one poor correspondent, and I've been too, too hard to find, but that doesn't mean you ain't been on my mind.  

If you don't get the reference, educate yourself.  Photo credit.

I've really missed writing to you all.  I promise you I haven't been lounging around eating bon-bons and twiddling my thumbs.  We've been dealing with many highs, lows, and in-betweens here at the McG household.

In the past two months:

1.  My father-in-law died very unexpectedly.
2.  Atticus had a sleep study, which was a disaster.
3.  Atticus is 20 months so anything having to do with him takes 3x longer than a non-toddler related task.
4.  I took a great but intense professional development class toward renewing my teaching certificate. 
5.  My husband has been involved in approximately 578,037,206 extracurricular activities because he is a dedicated and wonderful teacher man.
6.  Our washing machine died.
7. We went from freezing to 80 degree weather in the span of, like 6 minutes (or two weeks, whatever).
8.  Sean and his sister have been dealing with closing his parents' estate.
9.  We had ants.
10.  My best friend had her 3rd son and I love him (and her other kids) like he's my own. 
11.  We finally finished our closet enough that our clothes aren't all in the spare bedroom.
12.  So many other wonderful or awful or sideways things that I just can't recall right now.

Oh and while all this was happening, I was dealing with this:
That's not a beer belly, ladies and gents.

Yep, we're expecting Baby McG 2.0 in the fall.  And if you're a former pregnant woman saying to yourself, "Aww, pregnancy! What a magical time," I envy you, because pregnancy is hard for me.  I have been a sleepy, pukey, weak mess since February.  If I could trade pregnancy symptoms for 5 births, I would.  No joke.

So my dearest readers, I hope you'll forgive my absence, but I promise you, it was much needed.  I have just, just now, today, felt like I'm caught up in life.  My house is semi-clean.  I've only got 5 loads of laundry to do instead of my entire closet.  I've ran dishes through the dishwasher and put them away.  My professional development class is over.  I don't have anything to grade as of 10:05 p.m. on Tuesday night.  

Don't get me wrong, there are things I know I could be doing right now, but this is the first time I have looked around at my life and thought, "Hey, I'm not drowning anymore."  I am writing this post guilt-free and moderately well-rested, which has not been possible since the end of February.  

I've got 2 months of stories and ideas and things to disucuss, so gear up, readers. I'm pregnant, I'm blogging, and I missed you.  

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