What's in your bag?
8:57 PM
As a teacher, I have to renew my my teaching certificate every few years. Since my license expires in 2015, I’ve been slowly taking classes, going to seminars, and doing online projects to rack up the 180 hours of professional development I need to renew, and right now I’m taking an online course about blending technology and learning in the classroom.
Tomorrow, the class is meeting face-to-face and as an icebreaker, we have to bring a paper bag filled with items that represent us. Someone else in the class is going to open up the bag and introduce us to the class.
And I’ve been thinking for three days about what to put in my freaking bag.
What do I do all day and all night long? Chase a baby, teach some English rules, grade projects, write curriculum. I can’t put my blog in a paper bag. Nor Atticus...can I? No. That probably wouldn’t go over well. I love jewelry but I’m not about to put my wedding ring in a paper bag that will be handed off to a stranger.
Seriously, why is this hard? I feel like I know myself pretty well. We’ve been together for years, and mostly on good terms. Why can’t I figure out a few trinkets to toss into this bag?
So far this is what I’ve got:
It just doesn't feel like enough.
A diaper-- to represent Atticus, of course. I won’t put my own diapers in there. Don’t want to scare anyone away the first night we meet.
A dark chocolate bar-- Do I really need to explain this? I hope not. If I could I’d also include a cup of coffee... maybe I can find a Starbucks gift card somewhere?
A book-- Not necessarily my favorite one because that would be too bulky, but something slender to represent my love of reading and the idea that I’m an English teacher.
Live theater ticket stubs-- to represent my love of theater and that I teach Theater classes. There must be some stubs somewhere around this house.
Pen and paper-- because I can’t use my Mac to represent writing.
January’s calendar--to show how nuts my life is. All those cramped little squares. So many events.
What else? Should I throw the dogs' tags in there? My school ID? A lock of Sean's hair?
I’m seriously struggling here. If you think of anything else can add, let me know before 2 p.m. today! And while you’re at it, think about what you’d put in a paper bag, and why. It’s harder than it sounds (for me, anyway). Let me know what you come up with!