Henry and Aza: Meet the world’s worst good dogs

10:06 PM

I love my dogs, Henry and Aza, but sometimes I don’t know why.  They let Atticus take their toys away with no objection.  They sit (kind of) patiently when he wants to feed them one piece of dog food at a time.  He crawls on them, pulls their ears, pushes them away, jumps on them when they’re sleeping, and they just lick him.  

Sweet little doggies.

Henry loves to dress up in clothes.  He prances around the house like he owns the joint.  I mean, more so than usual. 

Ready to hustle.  Another day, another dollar.

He was even happy to dress up as a clown for Atticus’s first birthday party:

Funniest looking clown I’ve ever seen.

Aza is a big sugar lump, she’s so sweet.  She’s always concerned with how Atticus is getting along. 

Is your heart melting yet?

She’ll lay in front of the stairs so that he doesn’t try to climb up...although now a days Atticus just climbs over her and she watches him go.

How about now?

Obviously these are good dogs  So why are they they worst good dogs?

Oh yeah, it’s because they pull crap like this:

Oh, you guys are home early!

I guess it would be funnier to me if this was the first time we had come home to a hole in the door, but no.  

He looks so proud.

Aza isn’t much better.  When we leave, she destroys things... mainly pillows.  When I was pregnant with Atticus, she would pull things off the kitchen counter... like glass jars, my insulin medication, and ibuprofen.  You know, the usual stuff dogs pull off of counters. 

I could go on about why they're so bad, but I could also continue to list why they're so lovely. 

I love these sweet, ridiculous, destructive dogs, but some days it’s easier to do than others.  Tonight I’m letting them sleep on a king size feather bed mattress cover, so you tell me how I’m feeling about them tonight.  

Do you have pets, and more importantly, do you question why you love them?  Tell me about it in the comments!

The three amigos, watching the snow fall.

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